Late Shri Tara Chand

Late Shri Balkrishna Aggarwal
Founder Chairman
Our Indraprastha Sehkari Bank Ltd. came into existence on 01-10-89 registered as Urban Cooperative Bank with Registrar Cooperative Societies, Delhi under Delhi Cooperative Societies Act, 1972 and Reserve Bank of India had given licence to carry out the banking business in the Metropolitan city of Delhi, the capital of India.
In the year 1985, Lt. Sh. Tara Chand Ji (Founder of the bank) and Sh. Balkrishna Ji (Founder Chairman) thought to open a bank to cater the financial needs of middle class people, small business enterprises and weaker section of the society etc. A group of promoter members accompanied with them to achieve the said goal. After long persuasion/efforts they were able to get licence from Reserve Bank of India.
Indraprastha Sehkari Bank Ltd has started its business on 01.10.1989 with one office in Delhi with a paid up capital of just Rs. 15,62,900 and 2666 members because of constant efforts made by Late Shri Tara Chand, an eminent Co-operator who was also the founder of Delhi Nagrik Sehkari Bank Ltd., Delhithe Bank has made a rapid growth over the years and bloomed into a renowned institution with an attentive presence in the Union Territory of Delhi.
At present the Bank has five branches in Delhi which are effectively controlled and managed by efficient & qualified Board of Directors under the chairmanship of Sh. D.K. Aggarwal. Bank’s Chief Executive Officer Shri Rajeev Gupta, experienced & energetic staff supports the Management in implementation of policies and procedures. Our Bank has been getting grade “A” in Audit since long time. Our Bank serves all sections of our Society and especially the Weaker Section of the Society.
Our Bank grants advances to needy persons including Small Scale Industries, other industries, Small Businessman, Retail Traders, General Traders, Self employed persons etc for various purposes. Our bank is performing all banking activities as permitted by Reserve Bank of India & Registrar of Co-operative Societies. Our Bank had been awarded for “Best Cooperative Bank” in the year 1990- 91, 2002-03, 2005-06, 2007-08,2010-11 by Delhi Government and Chairman Sh. D.K. Aggarwal have also been awarded as an eminent co-operator by Delhi Govt.